Mold DictionaryI. General Information
Classification: | distinction of whether this mold is a: contaminant, allergen, or opportunistic pathogen |
Possible Health Effect: | this is where we will list any common related effects that we have found as a result of exposure to this type of mold |
Macroscopic Morphology: | How it looks growing to the naked eye |
Environment: | locations or environments where the mold is reported to thrive |
Images: | Both a macroscopic image of the mold growing in a Petri dish and also a microscopic image of what the spores of the mold look like through the microscope at a magnification of 400x in most images when available |
II.Mold Types / Descriptions and Images (when available)
These are brief descriptions for informational purposes. More detailed and extensive information can be found from various sources on the internet. Different sources will sometimes disagree on a particular property, especially where health concerns are involved.
Acremonium (ack-ruh-moan'-ee-um)
Classification: | Contaminant / Opportunistic Pathogen |
Possible Health Effect: | Human infections are rare, but a few can survive at normal body temperature. Infections can involve the cornea and nails. Some species are reported to be an allergen. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | The mold can appear folded and felt like, with a cottony top. It may be gray, white or pink in color. |
Environment: | Sewage, Soil, Vegetation |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Alternaria (all-tur-nair'ee-uh)
Classification: | Common Allergen / Contaminant / Opportunistic Pathogen (rarely) |
Possible Health Effect: | It is an important allergen and common agent of hay fever, asthma, and other allergy related symptoms, including sinusitis. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | The mold can appear gray / white at first than become greenish / black or brown with a lighter border over time. |
Environment: | Soil, Plants, Commonly found indoors on food and textiles. |
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Arthrinium (ar-thrin'-ee-um)
Classification: | Allergen / Contaminant |
Possible Health Effect: | Generally not considered to have much health significance, but one species is reported to be an allergen. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | White at first then turns gray with tiny black dots. |
Environment: | Commonly found on dead plants and in soil. |
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Arthrosporic Fungi (ar-throw-spore-ick)
Classification: | N/A because Arthrosporic is a morphological term and not a type of mold. |
Possible Health Effect: | N/A |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Arthrosporic simply means that the vegetative portion of the mold, called the hyphae, is segmented in to square/rectangular shapes. Two examples of arthrospore producing mold are Geotrichum and Trichosporon. |
Environment: | N/A |
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Ascospores (ass-co'-spores)
Classification: | These are a very large category of spores. |
Possible Health Effect: | Because so few of the Ascomycetes will grow in the laboratory setting, very little is known about their health effects on humans. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Most will appear as specks or spots or bumps on leaves and wood. |
Environment: | Leaves, Wood. Also, most are plant saprophytes playing the role of “recyclers”. Spores are produced in sac-like structures called asci. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Aspergillus (as-per-jill-us)
Classification: | Allergen / Contaminant / Opportunistic Pathogen |
Possible Health Effect: | Aspergillus is common on tape lift samples and air samples, but its spores are indistinguishable from Penicillium spores in most cases. There are a few exceptions but the species ID must be made from culture, and is still a difficult job. Health effects vary by species, but many are listed as allergens. Some species can produce toxins that may have significant health effects in humans. Aspergillus is listed as one of the most infectious type of mold, but infections are not common in normal healthy immune systems. However, if you are immune suppressed or compromised this should be discussed with your physician. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Aspergillus can appear is a wide range of colors from white to purple, yellow to green, see images below. |
Environment: | Commonly found in the environment around the world. |
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Aureobasidium (are-ee-oh-buh-syd'-ee-um)
Classification: | Usually a contaminant. |
Possible Health Effect: | Rarely associated with human disease, but some sources site it as an allergen. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Starts out moist and white to pink, and then turns black and shiny in appearance. |
Environment: | Found worldwide in soil, food and wood. |
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Basidiospores (bah-sid-ee-oh'-spores)
Classification: | Allergen / Contaminant. Another large general class of spores formed on a structure called a basidium, mushrooms belong to this group. |
Possible Health Effect: | Allergen and possible poisoning if certain species are ingested. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Mushrooms, puffballs and bracket fungi. |
Environment: | This category of spores is found in the outdoor air make up. This is a common cause of Wood Rot. High concentrations in an indoor air sample might be indicative of water damage or too high humidity. Often abundant at night or pre-dawn hours when there is high humidity. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Beauveria (bow-vary-uh)
Classification: | Contaminant |
Possible Health Effect: | Rarely involved in human infections. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Can appear to be white/ white, fluffy. |
Environment: | Known to be parasitic on insects, plant debris and dung. |
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Beltrania (bell-tran-uh)
Classification: | Saprophyte |
Possible Health Effect: | Not well studied. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Brown with a lighter band around the inner circumference of a colony. |
Environment: | Dead Leaves. Sometimes found in somewhat tropical areas. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Bispora (Bye-spore'-uh)
Classification: | Saprophyte |
Possible Health Effect: | No health effects could be found at this time or does not appear to be well studied. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Black, wooly in appearance, sometimes velvet-like. |
Environment: | Sewage, Soil, Vegetation |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Bipolaris (Bye-pole-air-us)
Classification: | Contaminant, opportunistic pathogen / grouped along with Drechslera because of the similar morphology of the spores. |
Possible Health Effect: | Some reports of sinusitis, eye and pulmonary infections in debilitated hosts. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Grayish black or brown and cottony. |
Environment: | Found in the soil as a saprophyte |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Botrytis (bow-try-tus)
Classification: | Contaminant |
Possible Health Effect: | Rarely involved in human infections, but is reported as an allergen on some sources. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Appearance can be seen as “gray mold” or gray/brown and wooly. |
Environment: | Parasitic on plants and fruits, particularly onions |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Chaetomium (kay- toe-me-um)
Classification: | Contaminant / some report allergen |
Possible Health Effect: | Rarely involved in systemic and cutaneous disease and sometimes reported to be allergenic. Some species can produce toxins, and there is some research interest on whether these toxins can cause cancer. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | The surface of the mold is cottony, spreading and becomes tan or gray with age. With close examination the surface sometimes will appear to have little black specks like pepper. |
Environment: | Chaetomium is one of the few Ascomycetes that will grow and produce spores indoors. It prefers to grow on cellulose for example paper and wood. Primary IAQ importance is that it will grow in the same conditions as Stachybotrys (wet cellulose) and sheetrock paper. Colonies of Chaetomium and Stachybotrys will be growing on top of one another. Also, found in soil and hay. |
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Chrysonilia (kris-o-nil-ee-um)
Classification: | Contaminant |
Possible Health Effect: | Health effects are not yet known. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Brightly colored, fast growing mold that spreads easily through contamination. |
Environment: | It is found in soul, bread, and contaminated lab cultures. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Cladosporium (clad-oh-spore-ee-um)
Classification: | Common Allergen/ Contaminant |
Possible Health Effect: | Rarely pathogenic, it is a common agent of hay fever and asthma and other allergy related symptoms. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Surface of the mold is greenish brown or can appear black in color with age and have heap or folded appearance. |
Environment: | Cladosporium can be found in most air samples most of the time. It is very common. Cladosporium is one of the types of mold found growing on HVAC vent covers and grills. It can grow on leaves, textiles, wood, paper, and decaying vegetation. |
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Curvularia (curve-you-lair'-ee-uh)
Classification: | Contaminant / Opportunistic Pathogen |
Possible Health Effect: | Some sources site it as an allergen. Rare infections of the cornea, nail and sinuses primarily in Immunocompromised individuals. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | The mold appears as olive green to brown or black with a pink wooly surface. |
Environment: | The mold is common in the air and in the soil as a saprophyte and in textiles and decaying vegetation. |
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Dematiaceous mold (dim-ah-tie-ay-shush)
Classification: | N/A, Dematiaceous is not a specific type of mold but rather a very generic morphological description used for various brown molds found on tape lifts or bulk materials. Sometimes the mold cannot be identified due to indistinguishable spores / structures or because of too much environmental damage to the structures. This identification generally excludes many of the common toxic and infectious molds found indoors. This category could include mold such as Alternaria, Ulocladium or others. |
Possible Health Effect: | N/A |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Brown or blackish. |
Environment: | N/A |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Drechslera / Bipolaris (dresh-lair'-uh) / (bye-pole-air)
Classification: | Contaminant / Opportunistic pathogen |
Possible Health Effect: | Allergenic and the most common agent for allergic fungal sinusitis. Various but uncommon infections of the eye, nose, lungs and skin in debilitated hosts. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | The mold will appear brownish / black with a black matted middle and a raised lighter color periphery. |
Environment: | The fungus is a saprophyte and can be found in soil. |
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Dicyma (Dye-cee-muh)
Classification: | Not a well studied mold. |
Possible Health Effect: | Not a well studied mold. Reported to be closely related to Chaetomium |
Macroscopic Morphology: | N/A |
Environment: | Paper, Cardboard, Woody Materials |
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Epicoccum (epp-ee-cock'-um)
Classification: | Containment / Allergen |
Possible Health Effect: | It is an allergen but in can in certain rare situations cause infections in the skin. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | The mold will appear yellow or orange with a rough look and will become brown to black with age. |
Environment: | The mold can be found in air, water, soil, and rotting vegetation. |
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Exophiala (ex-oh-fy'all-uh)
Classification: | Contaminant / Opportunistic pathogen |
Possible Health Effect: | Some species linked to occasional skin infections and subcutaneous lesions. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | The mold can appear shiny and yeast like but can develop short grayish wooly surface. |
Environment: | Commonly found in soil, decaying wood, and various other wet materials because it thrives in water laden environments. Indoors it can be found in air conditioning systems and humidifiers. Usually someplace that has contact with cool water. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Fusarium (few-sarh-ee-um)
Classification: | Contaminant / Opportunistic pathogen |
Possible Health Effect: | Associated with eye infections and occasionally skin and nail. Produces a variety of toxins mainly important when ingested particularly through contaminated grain products. Reports of infections in burn victims and comprised hosts. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | It grows quickly and is at first white and cottony but will turn pinkish with age. |
Environment: | Found on fruit and grains and common in soil. Indoors it can sometimes contaminate humidifiers. |
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Fusicladium (fuse-i-clade-ee'um)
Classification: | Not a well studied mold. |
Possible Health Effect: | Not a well studied mold. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Not a well studied mold. |
Environment: | Found periodically in direct exams. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Geotrichum (gee-oh-trick-um)
Classification: | Contaminant |
Possible Health Effect: | Is a yeast like organism. But toxicity and allergenic properties have not been well studied. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | The mold will appear white and yeast like at first, then it become fuzzy and mold like age and acquire a more cream color dry powdery texture. |
Environment: | Geotrichum is found as part of the normal flora in humans and seems to only be problematic for compromised immune systems or hosts. |
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Gliocladium (glee-oh-clay'dee-um)
Classification: | Contaminant |
Possible Health Effect: | Species of Gliocladium are not known to be pathogenic to humans. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | The mold appears white at first then the center turns green. Some varieties may be pinkish, and become fluffy quickly spreading over a surface. |
Environment: | Found widespread in soil and decaying vegetation. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Gliomastix (glee-oh-mast-icks)
Classification: | Not a well studied mold. |
Possible Health Effect: | Not a well studied mold. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Gliomastix is at first white, then becomes black in areas and will form concentric rings. |
Environment: | Saprophytic, Has been reported in soil, cardboard, paint and plant materials. |
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Memnoniella (mem-non-ee-el-la)
Classification: | Contaminant |
Possible Health Effect: | Allergenic and infectious properties are not well studied. Memnoniella is suspected to be closely related to Stachybotrys both in spore morphology and in potential toxin production. Many consider the IAQ importance of Memnoniella to be on par with Stachybotrys. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Dark gray to black in color. |
Environment: | Saprophytic. Can be found in soil, sand and textiles, wet cellulose. |
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Mucor (mhew'core)
Classification: | Contaminant / Opportunistic pathogen |
Possible Health Effect: | It is listed as a minor allergen in some texts and can cause Zygomycoses and lung infections in compromised individuals. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | The mold wooly and will rapidly fill the container it is in. Mucor appears white at first then usually becomes gray and cotton candy like. |
Environment: | Mucor can be found in soil, animal dung and decaying vegetation. It is common to find a few spores in normal house dust. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Myxomycete / Rust / Smut (mix-oh'-my-seat)
Classification: | Generally a plant pathogenic. |
Possible Health Effect: | Generally plant pathogens. Some allergenic properties have been reported but generally pose no health concerns to humans. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | N/A |
Environment: | This group is associated with living and decaying plants as well as decaying wood. Sometimes can be found indoors. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Myrothecium (My-row-thee-cee-um)
Classification: | Saprophyte |
Possible Health Effect: | Mycotoxin production is reported for several species, but no reports of human infections found. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | This mold has been found on plants, mostly grasses, and soil. Often is saprophytic and parasitic grows well on cellulose. |
Environment: | Sewage, soil and vegetation |
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Nigrospora- (nigh-grow-spore-uh)
Classification: | Saprophyte, not known to be pathogenic. |
Possible Health Effect: | Rarely Reported |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Wooly, white then gray with age. |
Environment: | Worldwide in soil, parasitic and saprophytic on plants. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Oidium- (oh-id-ee-um)
Classification: | Saprophyte, plant pathogenic. |
Possible Health Effect: | No reports |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Usually appearing as white growth on plants. |
Environment: | Parasitic on higher plants, powdery mildew. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Classification: | Occasionally we find a type of mold spore o a sample that we are unable to identify by direct examination under the microscope. One method used to try to identify unknown mold spores is to do what is called a culture of the spore. The lab will try to get the mold to grow on a Petri dish filled with agar for the mold to use as food. While the mold is growing the lab can monitor is size shape , color etc. because these characteristics can aid in the identification. However, there are many types of mold that simply will not grow in the laboratory setting and are difficult to identify. In those cases we will list the spore as 'other' letting the customer know that “yes” we did find mold on your sample, however it is NOT a type that we routinely identify such as Stachybotrys. |
Paecilomyces (pay-sill-oh-my-sees)
Classification: | Contaminant / Opportunistic pathogen |
Possible Health Effect: | Associated with pulmonary and sinus infections in those who had organ transplants, as well as inflammation of the cornea. Some reports of allergies, humidifier associated illness and pneumonia. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | The mold appears flat and powdery or velvet-like and usually a dull yellow/buff color. One species is lilac color. |
Environment: | Found worldwide in soil and in decaying vegetation |
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Penicillium (pen-uh-sill'-i-um)
Classification: | Contaminant / Opportunistic pathogen |
Possible Health Effect: | Penicillium species are usually a contaminant or a secondary invader in those cases the infections are typically pulmonary in nature. Some species are reported to produce toxins that are unhealthy for humans. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | The mold typically appears white at first then it can turn bluish / green but as the photos above illustrate, it can appear in a variety of colors based on the species of mold and on the substrate it is growing. |
Environment: | One of the most common types of mold worldwide in soil and decaying vegetation and indoors in dust, food and various building materials. Common bread mold is a species of Penicillium. |
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Phoma (fo'-mah)
Classification: | Contaminant / Opportunistic pathogen/ all |
Possible Health Effect: | An occasional report of Phaeohyphomycosis, occasional reports of eye and skin infections. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Appears powdery or velvet-like, usually grayish brown but some species are green with a white border. |
Environment: | Parasitic on plant parts, and soil, on painted walls in showers, cement and rubber. |
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Pithomyces (Pith-oh-my-cees)
Classification: | Contaminant |
Possible Health Effect: | No reports of allergies or infections. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Light to dark brown and cottony, sometimes showing tufts of distinct fluff in the middle of colony. |
Environment: | Worldwide, soil, plant materials, saprophyte, rarely found indoor, but can grow on paper. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Rhizopus ( Rye-zo- puss)
Classification: | Common contaminant / opportunistic pathogen/ allergen |
Possible Health Effect: | Some species are agents of Zygomycosis in compromised individual. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Rapid growth, cotton candy like and white in color, develops a salt and pepper appearance with age. |
Environment: | Soil, Decaying Vegetables, Animal Dung |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Rust (ruh'st)
Classification: | Plant pathogen |
Possible Health Effect: | None found at this time. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Not available at this time |
Environment: | Plants |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Scopulariopsis (scope- you -lair-ee-op'sis)
Classification: | Contaminant / opportunistic pathogenic |
Possible Health Effect: | Toenail infections have been reported and some soft tissue infections in compromised individuals but this is rarely the case. Also otitis, and septicema are rarely reported. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | White at first, then becomes powdery and brown with a lighter brown periphery. |
Environment: | Saprophyte in the soil, found worldwide, decaying vegetation. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Spegazzinia (Speg- uh - zeen-ee-uh)
Classification: | Not a well studied mold. |
Possible Health Effect: | Not a well studied mold. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | White to tan and cottony, older colonies become brown to black during spore production. |
Environment: | Soil, Plant materials |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Classification: | Saprophyte |
Possible Health Effect: | Not a well studied mold. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | The mold can appear folded and felt like, with a cottony top. It may be gray, white or pink in color. |
Environment: | Saprophyte, Soil |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Stachybotrys (stack-ee-bought-truss)
Classification: | Contaminant / saprophyte / allergenic |
Possible Health Effect: | Some can produce a toxin, reports of itching, and burning sensation of eye, mouth and throat. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | At first is white and turns black with age. |
Environment: | Saprophyte, in decaying wood and soil. Found indoors primarily on wet cellulose containing material. It is the “toxic black mold” that has garnered much media attention in recent years. Some species can produce a potent toxin that is lethal to animals, the dose effect on humans is not clear. Stachybotrys is sometimes difficult to detect indoors because many times it will grow unseen on the back side of walls where the paper backing on sheetrock is located. This is potentially when it is of most health concern when it covers entire wall areas and is constantly producing toxins that go undetected. Airocell and direct exam test usually are the proper method of identification because Stachybotrys does not grow or compete well on most culture plate media. |
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Classification: | Contaminant/ Allergen |
Possible Health Effect: | None readily found. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Brown to black in color and sometimes cottony in appearance. |
Environment: | Saprophytic and sometimes parasitic on other mold. Rarely grows indoors, but can grow on paper. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Syncephalastrum (sen-seff-uh-last-rum)
Classification: | Contaminant |
Possible Health Effect: | Human infections are rare, but a few can survive at normal body temperature. Infections can involve the cornea and nails. Some species are reported to be an allergen. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Rapid growth, is a Zygomycetes, cotton candy looking fluff, turns gray to black in color. |
Environment: | Saprophyte , soil in warm climates. |
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Taeniolella (tay-knee-oh-ell-uh)
Classification: | Contaminant |
Possible Health Effect: | Little is known about its allergic properties or toxicity. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | The mold can appear folded and felt like, with a cottony top. It may be gray, white or pink in color. |
Environment: | Wood |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Tetraploa (tet-ruh-ploe-uh)
Classification: | Saprophyte |
Possible Health Effect: | Not a well studied mold. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Brown in color. |
Environment: | Plant Materials |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Torula (Tore -you-lah)
Classification: | Contaminant / Saprophyte / Allergen |
Possible Health Effect: | Not a well studied mold. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Not available at this time |
Environment: | Soil, Dead Stems and Leaves, Indoors on Cellulose Materials |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Trichocladium (trick-oh-clay-dee-um)
Classification: | Contaminant |
Possible Health Effect: | No reports found. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Not available at this time |
Environment: | Decaying Wood |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Trichoderma (trick-oh-derm-uh)
Classification: | Contaminant / opportunistic pathogen /allergen |
Possible Health Effect: | human infections are rare, but some have been reported in immune suppressed individual. It can produce toxins very similar to those produced by Stachybotrys, and because of this it is important for Indoor air quality investigations. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Compact and wooly with light green patches with age. |
Environment: | Indoors on cellulose material like paper and on various ceramics. |
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Classification: | Contaminant / allergenic |
Possible Health Effect: | Very rarely causes infections. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Dark brown to black, top is cotton like. Commonly clustered together in the same group as Alternaria, Stemphylium due to their similar size and shape. Also could be listed as Dematiaceous spore. |
Environment: | Saprophyte, found everywhere. Can grow indoors on paper but does require more water than some other types of mold. |
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Classification: | Commonly known as contaminant |
Possible Health Effect: | Rare reports of corneal inflammation, but health effects are not well studied. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Velvety to cottony with a pastel or white color |
Environment: | Saprophyte on other plants, causing leaf wilt, even parasitic on other types of fungi and in soil. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
Yeast-like fungi
Classification: | Not a type of mold, this is a category we assign to spores that have morphological characteristics similar to yeast Examples of yeast like mold are Accremonium and Exophiala |
Classification: | Not a well studied mold. |
Possible Health Effect: | Not a well studied mold. |
Zygomycetes (zigh-go-my-seats)
Classification: | Contaminant / Opportunistic Pathogen |
Possible Health Effect: | Some species my cause infections and zygomycosis in compromised individuals. Most common problem is inhalation of spores in susceptible persons. Allergies, cutaneous and subcutaneous, and gastrointestinal (from ingesting contaminated foods) infections. |
Macroscopic Morphology: | Rapid growth, appears wooly grayish with black specks on top like salt and pepper. Examples of Zygomycetes: Rhizopus, Mucor, Syncephalastrum and Absidia. |
Environment: | Worldwide in soil, dung and decaying vegetation. |
Images: | (no image available at this time) |
III. Other Terminology
Allergen – causes a hypersensitive or allergic reaction
Allergy – is the most common effect and con range from hay fever and asthma all the way to a very particular reaction in certain organs or tissues. Hay fever like symptoms are probably the most common health effect attributed to mold in indoor environments.
Conidiophore – a complex structure that some types of mold spores grow out of. It can be thought of in plant terms, the Conidiophore is like the flower and the pollen is like the spores
Contaminant – something that is present without injuring or benefiting the host; they do not cause infections
Debris – non-biological particulate such as dirt
Fibers – fibers from non biological sources such as from carpet, clothes or insulation
Hyphal fragments – singular (Hyphae) filamentous, branched structures with cell walls. If you think of hyphae in plant like terms then the hyphae would be similar to the roots of a plant; the beginning stages of mold growth. Mold cannot be identified by the hyphae alone. Again like a plant if you only had a hand full of plant roots and none of the other parts of the plant to go with it, identifying the plant would be extremely difficult if not impossible and mold is the same way. When only the hyphae are present and none of the other structures like the spore, conidiophores, asci, etc. identification is difficult if not impossible.
Hyaline – is a morphological term and not a type of mold. The term basically means pale yellow to light tan in color. We use the term to help describe what a mold spore visually looks like under the microscope.
Infections – are potentially the most dangerous and deadly of mold health effects, but mold in general has an inherently difficult time infecting an uncompromised immune system. Many types of mold won't even grow at normal body temperature. While these infections are extremely rare, infections in compromised individuals are much more common and can be very dangerous and problematic due to the lack of treatment options. Compromised individuals include those whose immune system systems are weakened such as but not limited to those with AIDS, certain cancers, the very old, very young, and those undergoing certain drug therapies.
Immunocompromised – Individuals whose immune systems are weakened and susceptible to opportunistic pathogens, including but not limited to those with AIDS, certain Cancers the very old, the very young or those undergoing immunosuppressive drug therapy
Morphology – identification characteristics based on form and appearance such as “clear and round”.
Mycosis – disease caused by fungus
Mycelia – are masses of hyphae, the mycelia's role is absorption of nutrients from the substrate
Opportunistic pathogen – causes infections only when the weak or injured condition of the person gives the agent opportunity in infect; rarely infect patients who are otherwise healthy
Pathogenic – Disease causing
Non sporulating – colonies of mold (the round shapes that grow in a Petri dish) that do not produce spores.
Skin – epithelial cells that are sloughed off every day by humans. The indoor air quality significance is that dust mites digest skin cells as a food source, and dust mites are an allergen.
Toxin – Effects can manifest themselves in a very wide variety of ways. Most research up to now has been directed at effects that have to do with ingestion (such as by eating contaminated grains), and comparatively7 little has been studied about inhaled effects. A particular species of Stachybotrys (S. Chartarum) produces a toxin that has been linked to bleeding lung deaths of ten infants in Cleveland. A host of other severe health effects has been attributed to this toxin and currently this and very similar toxins produced by other mold (Memnoniella and Trichoderma) are where much interest has been directed in terms of inhaled toxins.
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